Orange High School

Honour the Past; Create the Future

Telephone02 6362 3444

About our school

Orange High School proudly educates over 1000 students from the thriving Central Western NSW city of Orange and surrounding villages. 

Orange High School is driven by a strong tradition of academic excellence, delivered in a progressive teaching and learning environment. Our school plan firmly focuses on high quality teaching in every classroom, every day. Academic rigour, physical health, creativity, wellbeing and innovation are nurtured in our students through our five priorities, National Curriculum, Literacy and Numeracy, Technology, Gifted and Talented Education and the National Professional Standards for Teaching.

Academic excellence is relentlessly pursed through innovative program writing and review, assessment design and a variety of educational partnerships with our partner primary schools, local university and other external agencies. Our student's results in internal and external assessments including Higher School Certificate (HSC) and the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) reflect this dedication to quality teaching and learning. Orange High School proudly boasts an award winning music and band program, a thriving creative arts team with dual specialisations in dance and drama, school, regional and state representative sporting teams and individual opportunities such as triathlons.

Orange High School has a proud history of success in Astley Cup and Malynley Shield our two interschool sporting competitions. The school also offers a rich program of extra-curricular activities, cultural and community experiences including, debating and public speaking, chess, Japanese language classes, cultural exchanges and international excursion opportunities. The school is driven by the values represented in our school motto, ¿Quod Pottero Sedulo¿, whatever we do, we do it to the best of our ability.

Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) structure, transition programs and well-being initiatives are embedded into every year group and a diverse variety of support programs, such as individual and group mentoring and motivation exercises, ensure that students at Orange High School receive a high quality, supportive and inspirational education experience. 

We are proud to be Orange High School and look forward to welcoming your child into our school. 

Mrs Alison McLennan


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