Please find attached the student application form for the PINNACLE award (Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) and the ACE (Academic, Commitment and Excellence) award:
General Information
- Students can apply for a "Pinnacle" award (Year 7-11) or the "ACE" award (Year 12)
- Students apply each year and need to meet the specific criteria for each year level. Student complete an application form and submit it to their Year Advisor by Week 2, Term 4.
2023 Positive Rewards Overview
PB Ticket Draw
PB Tickets are awarded to students for great work, sustained focus during class or consistent effort during the lesson etc. (Examples may include handing in lost property, demonstrating initiative during tasks, handing in tasks before the due date, independent group work, offering assistance to teacher or other students, completing a good quality homework task etc)
Teacher fills in the PB Ticket and awards it to the student during class time
Students place PB Ticket in allocated box (opposite middle office in main corridor)
Winners are drawn each fortnight at assembly
10 X $10 canteen vouchers (donated by P & C)
At the end of term all tickets go into a draw for 3 x $20 vouchers (donated by P & C)
House Tally - at the end of term the House with the most points earns themselves a free BBQ and Prize Raffle
MEGADRAW (blue PB tickets)
Last 4 weeks of the school year
(School assembly held at the end of the year to raffle a range of prizes)
Pinnacle Award
Pinnacle and ACE Awards
- This is a new initiative to replace the ‘Teacher Merits' from 2014.
- Students must apply for a "Pinnacle" Award (year 7-11) or "ACE" Award (year 12) (ACE stands for Academic, Commitment and Excellence)
- Students apply each year and need to meet the specific criteria for each year level. They collect and complete an application form (from their Year Advisor or from the OHS website), then submit it to their Year Advisor by week 5, Term 4.
- Criteria include School Extra Curricula, School Service and Community Service. It also includes students not having any negative entries on Sentral, attendance above 87% and a teacher needs to endorse the application. (Please refer to attached copy of the application form). The examples listed in the application form are suggestions only, Year Advisors will accept other examples.