Want to receive the latest Careers News personalised to students interest? Want to quickly find information to help with career choices? Go to
and watch the three minute video on the top right hand corner. Our school's password is: hippo
You will find using the UAC Handbook issued to Year 12s a quicker process by going to the JobJump website and clicking on the ATAR menu option (middle of screen). Now select the Career field of interest from the Index listing on the left hand side. You can click on the blue UAC Course Code numbers in the first column to receive a full description of the courses. You can also click on any of the Table headings (like 2014 ATAR) and they will sort for you.
See below for more information on how to use the site.
Follow the link for JobJump News
How to get the most out of using www.jobjump.com.au
Find a listing of the Menu Items that appear across the screen from left to right.
This is how you use each item:
Login You can now Register to receive the latest Careers News when you enter your email address from the front page of the website. This will be emailed to your home email address if you wish. It only takes a minute or two. You will receive Careers News on your chosen careers from now through to an extra year after your HSC. If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe at any time. You can select new careers at any time too. You can have as many as you want.
My Career - Click on the name of a career that interests you. The 4 coloured buttons now become active for you.
If you now click on 'Read the News' all of the current news is ready for you to act on with the active links.
Click on 'Watch a Video' and you can enjoy a tour of your chosen career.
Click on' Check I'm Suited?' and you can complete the chart to show you have the personal qualities desired by a future employer.
When you click on 'Go For It', 5 choices appear:
- 'Can I prove to a boss I'm the right person?' gives you valuable and quick information on how to improve your chances for an employer to hire you in this career.
- 'What subjects should I study?' gives you the subject advice on subjects in NSW you could consider.
- 'What courses should I study after school?' gives you the quick advice and the direct links to many of your Tertiary options at University , TAFE and private colleges.
- 'Where can I find the jobs?' gives you the real job vacancies, employer organisations and exactly how to find the names, addresses and phone numbers of companies you can contact yourself from the Yellow Pages.
- 'How do I present to an employer?' gives you all you need to be able to call an employer with an easy script on what to say and a Directory Sheet to list all of your companies names and contact details. There is a Sample Letter and a Resume that guides you line by line what you need to write to an employer. There are handy quick tips on what you should do and what to take with you whenever you visit an employer.
Calendar allows you to see all the news month by month. If you want to find only the news for the careers you like firstly click on the top left button, 'None'. Then select the careers you like and the news month by month appears only for those careers you chose.
Find My Career This is useful if you are wondering what career might best suit you. You can gain a better understanding of a career by watching a video about it. There are 4 handy quizzes you can also try, all of which will provide new career possibilities for you.
HSC Subjects has a great slide show explaining all about the HSC and matters like Units and the HSC rules. When you click on a career you like on the left hand side, the subject advice appears on subjects in NSW you could consider.
ATAR This is great to use in conjunction with your UAC Handbook . Most people start with the UAC Handbook Index to see all of their options. Here on the jobjump website, you will find this Index listing on the left hand side. Click your favourite Index field. A listing appears just like the hard copy of the Index in the Handbook. By clicking on the Title Headings at the top, you can sort this listing in ATAR order, in Campus location order, in University order or by the name of the course. If you click on any blue UAC Course Code, you will be able to read a full description of the course you selected. You can also do a search for degrees by typing in the search box a key word in this field.
Uni This has the following drop down menu options:
- Open Days. A full listing for not only NSW and ACT but across Australia with links about going to them.
- Scholarships. Each Uni has an explanation about their scholarships and how to apply for them. Many have the listing of their Undergraduate Scholarships they have on offer.
- Bonus Points. Many universities offer Bonus Points which can help you gain entry to your chosen degree at their Uni. This is often based on how well you have done in particular HSC subjects and/or on your location. Some Unis even have a handy Bonus Points calculator.
- Alternative Entry. Unis have various ways to allow you to gain entry. Each Uni's options are found here.
- Educational Access Scheme. If you faced some type of hardship over your HSC years, then you may be considered for entry to your degree by completing an E.A.S. application. Speak to your Careers Advisor.
- Deferment. Some people need to have a break before entering Uni for half a year or a full year. The table given here summarises what each Uni considers and what you may need to do. Deferment allows you to bank the degree for which you were accepted and to start it at the end of this break.
- Accommodation. Check each University to find the most suitable accommodation to fit your needs.
- Overseas Exchange. Select a university of your choice and find out how you can study part of your chosen degree in one of your favourite countries.
- Interstate. Each State in Australia has its own version of our NSW UAC (Universities Admission Centre). If you wish to consider studying in another State, click on the State which interests you and follow their instructions. Each State has their own course search area.
Apprenticeships At the top you can find a simple to read explanation all about how Apprenticeships and Traineeships work. This is followed by an interesting short video about Apprenticeships and Traineeships. If you click on the bottom option you will see a listing of Apprenticeship and Traineeship career areas with easy to do quizzes to see if you are suited.
Earnings There are 300 careers listed on the left hand side with their earnings in weekly and annual amounts. To select any career you must first read and consider the short advice in the bubbles and then click 'OK'.
Jobs When you click on the drop down word Jobs, you will see a listing of all of the careers on the left hand side. When you click on any career you will find the real job vacancies, employer organisations and exactly how to find the names, addresses and phone numbers of companies you can contact from the Yellow Pages.
On the main body of the screen are 5 other options:
- The first gives you all you need to be able to call an employer with an easy script on what to say and a Directory Sheet to list all of your companies names and contact details.
- The second is a great video to watch on making phone calls to an employer.
- Then there is a Sample Letter and Resume that guides you line by line what to write to an employer.
- The fourth is a Resume Builder where you can enter your details. Make sure you inform your parents if you are under 18 that you are doing this.
- Then there are handy tips on what you should do and what to take with you when you visit an employer.
- Lastly there is an interesting video on going to a job interview and how to handle the interview questions.
Work Experience provides the main documents that you use with your Careers Advisor's guidance to arrange Work Experience. Make sure you speak to your Careers Advisor before arranging any work experience.
Gap Many students feel that they would like to have a gap year, go as an exchange student overseas or seek a new experience. There are a wide range of options here to select and investigate.
Where is? is a handy directory of over 140 links you may need on all the major topics such as HSC and UAC.