1. Research potential employers using the Yellow Pages, the Internet, family contacts and Careers Adviser.
2. Make initial contact with the employer via a phone call. Introduce yourself and enquire if they take work experience students.
If they do - discuss potential dates that suit both yourself and the employer, and make an appointment to see them to get paperwork signed.
If they are not able to - thank them for their time.

3. PAPERWORK: You should have received:
A Workplace Learning Guide for Employers
- A green Workplace Learning Guide for Parents & Carers
- A Student Placement Record (SPR).
Students: Complete the first page of the SPR and sign.
Parents: Should receive the Information Booklet, the yellow Parent Guide to Workplace Learning and the list of dates to be discussed with you. Parents also need to fill in a section in the SPR and sign page
The Employer: When you have confirmed your placement with an employer, take the blue Employer Guide to Workplace Learning, the Letter of Introduction and the SPR to the employer. They need to sign pages 2 and 3 and discuss with you what is expected at work experience.
4. Return your signed paperwork to school so that myself, or Mrs Winslade if I'm not available, can sign it.
5. You will get 3 copies of the paperwork - one copy is for your parents, one is for the employer and one is for the student. You need to take the employer copy in on your first day.
6. Your teachers need to be aware that you are going to be away for a week. Therefore they need to sign a Teacher's Approval Form before you go out on placement.
7. You will be provided with a Workplace Journal that needs to be completed after each day. This is an excellent resource for your Resume. There is also an employer evaluation that needs to be completed in the Journal. You will also receive an Emergency contact card to be used in case of emergency/ injury.
Good Luck!