Orange High School

Honour the Past; Create the Future

Telephone02 6362 3444


General Careers Information
  • MoneySmart - Learn how to make smart decisions about your money.
  • Myfuture - Information on all aspects of work, education and training. Find out about industries and occupations as well as workers rights and responsibilities. Search for different awards and scholarships.
  • The Job Guide - Information on every job you could think of as well as information on apprenticeships, traineeships, training options and more.
  • Girlswork - View work profiles and read read career stories about young women. A great resource to assist girls in researching career options.
  • Boyz@Work - Interviews, quizzes and loads of information.
  • Jobs Alive - Profiles a range young people and their career pathway from year 10 onwards.
  • Job Access - Job and workplace help for people with a disability.
  • TAFE   -  Great resource for students interested in further study in online and distance education, and will allow them to see what types of courses and information TAFE has to offer.