The Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Faculty at Orange High School is a dynamic department that develops our students capacity to enhance personal health and wellbeing. We have highly skilled and talented teachers who consistently challenge students to critically analyse and evaluate health and physical activity content. All classes are inclusive and meet the needs of a diverse range of students who exhibit a wide variety of talents and expertise. Our programs centre on encouraging and enabling students to make informed decisions related to health, physical activity, lifestyle and life planning.
Mandatory Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (Years 7-10)
The Personal Development, Health and Physical Education faculty provides a varied scope and sequence of learning experiences in the 7-10 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education program to our junior students. The faculty continually reflects and refines our teaching practise to present lessons that are fun, engaging and relevant to young people. Students participate in programs that integrate technology in a way that meets the needs of 21st Century learners. In the junior years the practical component of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education emphasises the improvement of basic movement skills, fitness, physical activity, game skills, participation and teamwork. In the theoretical component, students develop the capacity to approach decision-making in an informed and thoughtful manner through the development of personal awareness, interpersonal relationships communication and drug education.
Senior PDHPE (Years 11-12)
In Years 11 and 12 courses are offered to those students with an interest in current personal and community issues surrounding health and physical activity in Australia. The senior courses include Personal Development, Health and Physical Activity (PDHPE), Community and Family Studies (CAFS), Exploring Early Childhood (EEC) and Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR). These courses provides senior students with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and understanding of active, healthy lifestyles and improving personal and community health.
Senior PDHPE is a challenging subject that concentrates on the theoretical aspect of health and physical activity. CAFS explores individual wellbeing and specific needs and also examines different groups, families and communities. Exploring Early Childhood develops an understanding of caring for children through to school with a number of theoretical and practical based activities. Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation is a course similar to the junior mandatory PDHPE with both practical experience and theory-based activities. PDHPE and CAFS contributes to students' Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), while EEC and SLR are a Content Endorsed course which contributes to a student's HSC. All senior PDHPE courses are popular with the student body and will continue to flourish as our junior PASS students graduate into the senior school.
Junior elective course:
Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) caters for those students who excel in sport and/or who are interested in their own fitness and health. Some of the topics include:
- Australian Sporting Identity
- Body Systems
- Coaching
- Enhancing Performance
- Fundamental Movement Skills
- Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Issues in Physical Activity
- Opportunities and Pathways in Sport
- Outdoor Recreation
- Physical Fitness and Technology in Sport.
School Sport
Uniform Policy
Orange High School students are proud to represent our school. Our motto provides inspiration everyday in our Sport and PDHPE lessons and when we represent OHS in the community.
It is important for students to wear their correct PE uniform for all lessons. This is for safety, hygiene and motivational reasons. The PE/Sport uniform includes:
- OHS Jumper or Jacket
- OHS Sport Shirt with Emblem
- Black Shorts
- Black Trackpants
- Black or White Socks
- Supportive Footwear
Sports Uniform may be worn all day on days that students have practical PE lessons or Sport. Students also have the option to change into/out of this uniform at the beginning and end of practical lessons. Full school uniform is to be worn on Sport/PE free days.
Sports Council
The OHS Sports Council is a group consisting of house captains and vice captains as well as other sporting minded students. Our mission is to promote sport in a positive manner within Orange High School and our community. We aim to do this by:
Check out the Orange High School PDHPE Facebook and insgtagram page.