Orange High School is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment by explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviour. Our school values are underpinned by the principles of positive behaviour for learning (PBL) and restorative justice practices. We aim to create a safe, respectful learning environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Our key programs include:
● An evidence-based framework (PBL) that brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture.
● Teaching students self-awareness and strategies to manage their behaviour and emotions effectively, supported by in-class learning and programs delivered by our Year Advisors in Wellbeing lessons and also our Student Support Officer.
● Implementing proactive behaviour management to promote a positive school climate.
● Providing explicit instruction in social and emotional skills to support student wellbeing.
● Encouraging responsibility, repairing harm, and building positive relationships supported by our wellbeing team and school counselling staff.
Orange High School rejects all forms of bullying, including cyberbullying, and is committed to creating a safe and respectful learning community. We aim to build confident, capable leaders who can positively engage with society.